Friday Apr 12, 2024

Podcana Ep47 - Store Championship Metagame Analysis

On this weeks pod, we talk about what decks we plan to play at the upcoming store championships and go into detail on Lorcana's constantly changing metagame.

Amethyst/Emerald Tempo Into the Inklands:
4 The Queen's Castle - Mirror Chamber
4 Kit Cloudkicker - Tough Guy
4 Maleficent - Sorceress
4 Friends on the Other Side
4 Mother Knows Best
4 Chernabog's Followers - Creatures of Evil
4 Madam Mim - Snake
4 Tinker Bell - Most Helpful
4 Merlin - Goat
4 Cursed Merfolk - Ursula's Handiwork
3 Merlin - Crab
4 Ursula - Deceiver of All
4 Ursula - Deceiver
4 Merlin - Rabbit
4 Madam Mim - Fox
1 The Sorcerer's Spellbook

Steel/Amethyst Jafar Into the Inklands:
4 Razoul - Palace Guard
4 Jafar - Striking Illusionist
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
4 And Then Along Came Zeus
2 Yzma - Scary Beyond All Reason
4 Friends on the Other Side
4 Captain Hook - Forceful Duelist
4 A Whole New World
4 Robin Hood - Beloved Outlaw
3 Grab Your Sword
4 Blue Fairy - Rewarding Good Deeds
3 Tinker Bell - Giant Fairy
4 Jafar - Dreadnought
4 Robin Hood - Champion of Sherwood
4 Jafar - Royal Vizier
4 Beast - Tragic Hero

Amber/Steel Aggro Into the Inklands:
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Mr. Smee - Bumbling Mate
4 Lilo - Making a Wish
4 Kida - Protector of Atlantis
4 Kida - Atlantean
4 The Bare Necessities
4 Piglet - Pooh Pirate Captain
4 The Queen - Commanding Presence
4 Cinderella - Ballroom Sensation
4 Strength of a Raging Fire
4 The Queen - Regal Monarch
4 Hercules - True Hero
4 Tiana - Celebrating Princess
4 The Prince - Never Gives Up
4 Let the Storm Rage On

Ruby/Amber Midrange Into the Inklands:
4 Rapunzel - Gifted with Healing
4 Maui - Hero to All
4 Pongo - Ol' Rascal
4 Stitch - Carefree Surfer
4 Simba - Protective Cub
2 Pongo - Determined Father
4 Pluto - Friendly Pooch
4 Pluto - Determined Defender
4 Maleficent - Monstrous Dragon
2 Perdita - Devoted Mother
2 Stitch - Little Rocket
2 Chernabog - Evildoer
2 Madame Medusa - The Boss
4 Mufasa - Betrayed Leader
4 Minnie Mouse - Stylish Surfer
4 Mother Gothel - Withered and Wicked
4 Doc - Leader of the Seven Dwarfs
2 Lady Tremaine - Imperious Queen

100+ Player Set 3 Tournament Lists: 

The Pack Top 16 Lists (Tournament Moyen got 2nd in):
Frank Zheng - 
Jan Moy - 
Michael Ferrante - 
Brennan DeCandio - 
Aaron Rubin - 
JechtShot - 
Diego Saz - 
Jebas - 
Alessandro Mangiucca - 
eMOEtional - 
Mark Brindley - 
Tristan Lackey - 
Gaetan Callens - 
Kraig Byrd - 
Carlos Gangkofner - 
Béla Balogh - 

Cerebus Den 2k Lists:

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